Roofing and Siding; Should You Replace Both at the Same Time? Intro to 6-Part Series

Getting a roof replacement is a big decision. Along with the investment, the scheduling, and the time for a crew to install in one or more days. 

The same can be expected when it comes to getting vinyl siding installed on your home, too. 

So, the age old question - IS there a benefit to replacing my siding and roof at the same time? Or should a homeowner schedule roofing and siding installation separately?

Our 6 Part Series will discuss a few of the benefits of completing both a roofing and siding job at the same time to give you the insight you will need to schedule both jobs according to your needs.

To kick off the series here are benefits to a roof and/or siding inspection by a Professional:

  • Professionals can not only detect common roofing and siding problems, but also can help homeowners prioritize improvement projects.
  • Professionals can offer a thorough inspection.
  • Inspections by a Professional offer crucial insight to understanding a roof's or siding condition. A Professional will also help with offering suggestions to manage proper maintenance and care for the long term.
  • Professionals can determine whether a warranty is applicable and if you should file a warranty claim.
  • A Professional inspection will easily reveal issues and recommend repairs.
  • A Professional can find leaks and prevent further damage after storms.
  • Professional inspections can conduct a full leak investigation to stop further unseen deterioration.
  • Professional inspections are able to find any faults in the roof layout and suggest repairs before it may cause moisture damage to your home.

Whether it’s an exterior home improvement such as metal roofing, asphalt roofing, windows or vinyl siding schedule a free in-home consultation. If your home is in Ohio, Michigan or Indiana - Our Team of Experts at Great Lakes Home Remodeling will help you select the best exterior home solution specific to meet and EXCEED your project needs. We can answer any questions you may have about roofing, windows and/or siding in general, or specific!

Great Lakes Home Remodeling | | 888-381-0077

Ohio - Michigan - Indiana's First Choice in Permanent Roofing - Windows and Siding Solutions! Ready for a Roof or Exterior Home Consultation? Call or Text Now 419-708-5746!


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